
deprecation warning for node.js 12

Closed this issue · 4 comments


When using the action in a workflow, GitHub adds a notice that Node.js 12 is deprecated and will be removed soon. This also applies for the ros-tooling/action-ros-ci.

Screenshot from 2022-10-16 21-08-09

To Reproduce

Use ros-tooling/setup-ros@v0.4

Could we just upgrade the version to Node.js 16 ? 🤔

Thanks for bringing this up! I'm not sure what upgrading to a more recent version entails other than modifying this line:

using: "node12"

but I can look into it some time in the coming weeks.

Just wanted to let you know, I updated to node16 in a fork and used it for another repository. The deprecation warning is gone and everything works as expected, but I just use some basic features of this action, so not sure about edge cases.

Also, the actions/typescript-action this action is based on updated to node16 a while ago: actions/typescript-action@87fd034

Great, thanks for the info! I'll do that and update the version in the CI configs as well.

I've created PRs for setup-ros and action-ros-ci: #521 and ros-tooling/action-ros-ci#778. A lot of the local CI jobs are failing due to an issue with permissions. Something like this: cypress-io/github-action#446. I'll have to look into it.