
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

Michaelyangyu opened this issue · 3 comments

I get the following errors and I can't find the error. The command used is:
rosrun collada_urdf urdf_to_collada "$MYROBOT_NAME".urdf "$MYROBOT_NAME".dae

I got this error: Segmentation fault (core dumped)

I'm using ubuntu18.04  ,ROS  melodic .

Could you help me with it?
Thanks a lot.

What are you passing for $MYROBOT_NAME? I don't see a segfault here, but it may be that something is funky with the URDF you are using.

I used export export MYROBOT_NAME="ddd_arm" and my urdf name is ddd_arm.urdf. The
URDF is working fine in rviz and gazebo, I guess if there is something wrong with my boost version? I have both 1.58.0 and 1.65.1 versions in my computer. When I'm going to install openrave ,I figure out the boost version must be 1.58.0 . So I installed 1.58.0 .

Sorry, I don't know what ddd_arm is. Maybe its from a package I don't know about.

Having multiple boost versions on your computer definitely sounds like a potential source of issues. I'd suggest to remove boost 1.58.0 and try this again.

So far, this doesn't seem like a bug in collada_urdf. For questions like this, please ask at, which is a central place for questions that are later searchable. I'm going to close this out, but feel free to reopen if you think this is a bug in collada_urdf.