
FeatureRequest: Add type hints to launch_testing_ros examples.

Closed this issue · 6 comments

Feature request

Feature description

It would be nice if the examples for launch_testing_ros had type hints since it would be easier to read and understand the example. This is a request to add those type hints.

For example it's unclear what the talker and proc_output parameter types are here:

Yes, agreed that would be nice. I'll mark this as a "good first issue" and "help wanted".

@lexi-brt and @clalancette I would like to make this one of my first contributions!

@lexi-brt and @clalancette I would like to make this one of my first contributions!

Please go ahead and make the changes and open a pull request. We're happy to review.

Hi @clalancette , I don't see any PRs for this particular issue. So,can I work on this issue?

Hi @clalancette , I don't see any PRs for this particular issue. So,can I work on this issue?

Please go ahead and make the changes and open a pull request. We are happy to review.

Thanks, will start working on it.