
Unused WIN32 compiler definiton

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Bug report

Required Info:

  • Operating System: Windows 10
  • Installation type: from source
  • Version or commit hash: 188147a
  • DDS implementation: RTI Connext
  • Client library (if applicable): N/A

Steps to reproduce issue

Expected behavior

rmw_connext_cpp/CMakeLists.txt, lines 116 and 122 should contain RMW_CONNEXT_CPP_BUILDING_DLL definition.

Actual behavior

The lines use ROSIDL_TYPESUPPORT_CONNEXT_CPP_BUILDING_DLL definition (copy paste error?)

Thanks for pointing this out. The usage of ROSIDL_TYPESUPPORT_CONNEXT_CPP_BUILDING_DLL in the rmw_connext_cpp CMake file is a left over of previous iterations of the typesupport and is unnecessary. Removed in #249.

RMW_CONNEXT_CPP_BUILDING_DLL is already being defined in

otherwise this wouldn't work.

@dirk-thomas Does this mean that the same fix can be applied to opensplice ?

Does this mean that the same fix can be applied to opensplice ?

Maybe, it depends on how those libraries / headers are being used by each other. You could give it a try - each rmw impl. and typesupport is slightly different.