Camellia Dragons Code Release 2017

Camellia Dragons Code Release 2017 was basically developed based on B-Human Code Release 2016 (

Two modules of RealisticBallPerceptor and PkGoalieBallPerceptor were developped under B-Human Code Release 2015 (

When you build the system you might receive some warnings. But it will work without any problems.


The system requires OpenCV library ( We confirmed with OpenCV 3.1. After installing OpenCV library, you should follow the document of B-Human Code Release 2016 (

Switching modules

You should switch two modes between the team competition and the penalty shootout. Please modify a valiable 'location' in Config/settings.cfg as follows.

  • Default: team competition
  • PkGoalie: goalie at penalty shootout
  • PkStriker: striker at penalty shootout

Adding and modifying OpenCV library

OpenCV 3.1 is supporsed to be used. If installing different versions of OpenCV you should modify the libraries and headers in Util/opencv. You should specify a path to OpenCV in Make/Common/Nao.mare and Make/Common/SimulatedNao.mare. If you want to change the cascade please modify Config/Cascade/cascade.xml.