An example npm package that contains some example assets to demonstrate how to create a package for use in games made using the Unity game engine.
- agarcialeonLogroño (La Rioja)
- Amitkapadi@GameAnax @TheAppGuruz @IndiaNIC @funcellgames
- Chrisdbhr@EnigmaticComma
- Danny-vD
- DingoBite
- DylanYasen
- eriseven
- FriendsAtDawn
- gaozhou
- goshki@VigeoGames
- hasanbayatme@BayatGames
- hitarthdocAhmedabad, Gujarat, India
- Isetta-HanBeijing, China
- JesseTG@CorundumGames
- k0dep@ubisoft
- KonHMatryoshka Games
- matmangioMilan, Italy
- maximetinu@Sophya
- OscarAbraham
- RedarchyTurkey
- SenshiSentouthe Netherlands
- SugoiDev
- unitycoderElomatic Oy