- 2
- 1
Corpus alignment for Arabic and English
#44 opened by theamato - 4
Suggestion settings for book alignment?
#43 opened by leminhyen2 - 0
couldn't install then error info looked
#42 opened by xiaoxuesheng - 1
How to output an index file
#41 opened by Hyfred - 5
- 2
ImportError: No module named align
#28 opened by echan00 - 2
- 4
Only parts of the sentences lines are aligned
#37 opened by twang18 - 1
More examples
#14 opened by sih4sing5hong5 - 6
- 1
- 1
- 2
- 2
Memory usage increasing
#32 opened by echan00 - 10
- 2
Three separate sentences aligned as two sentences
#33 opened by echan00 - 3
Tips to speed up the alignment?
#31 opened by echan00 - 1
#30 opened by numtaro - 4
- 1
Allow absolute threshold
#25 opened by kpu - 2
Bug about filter sentences
#21 opened by lmatt-bit - 1
- 0
- 0
arugments check in `__init__`
#15 opened by sih4sing5hong5 - 5
- 4
- 4
How do make tests for this project?
#3 opened by sih4sing5hong5 - 2
- 1
- 1
More translation texts, Worse score
#5 opened by sih4sing5hong5 - 1