- andrefsPorto, Portugal
- asmith26
- beckgom
- calinfIBM
- chrishokampAYLIEN
- craigpfeifer@Lightning-AI
- darkseedTom Mulder
- derekfwUniversity of Macau
- felixzhaoAuckland
- fhieberAmazon
- gabstehrParis
- hieuhoang
- iaincollins@unity-technologies
- incasedoIncaseDo Education Technology Co.,Ltd.
- j-martyn
- jgwinnupAir Force Research Laboratory
- kalabantas
- kenan5hao
- LaurianCreative Technologist ※ Knight-Mozilla OpenNews Fellow ※ Visual analytics × Computational Linguistics × Semantic Web
- lmatt-bitBeijing
- longyuewangdcuAlibaba International
- luismsgomes@portulanclarin
- markus-beuckelmannHeidelberg, Germany
- mireadoBitgaram, South Korea
- nachocabBarcelona, Spain
- ntartania
- pkt
- plisonNorwegian Computing Centre
- proyconKNAW Humanities Cluster & CLST, Radboud University
- reedlawAureum Medium LLC
- rsennrichUniversity of Zurich
- SeekPoint
- tensortalkYou're on!
- thomhastingsSeattle, Washington
- windplsAlibaba Group
- yyang42Paris