Set up individual DEEPi
Set up new pi using the latest Raspberry Pi OS. For most applications the files in the
directory are helpful. The -
Log on to the pi and run the set up script
sudo apt-get install git git clone cd deepi-os sudo sh ./ sudo reboot now
For all interfaces requiring authentication the username and password
are left as the default for RPi OS, pi
and raspberry
SSH is enabled on the DEEPi by default. SSH gives the user complete command line control including passwordless sudo privileges.
The DEEPi runs a proftpd FTP server. This allows quick transfer of files on and off the device. Files can be accessed using FTP clients such as Filezilla.
TODO: Consider swtiching to pureftp because RPi recommends it.
The DEEPi runs a nginx HTTP server. This allows users on the same network to interact with the DEEPi through the browsers. The index page contains useful instructions.
Web server files are located at /var/www/html/
TODO: make a status display command and page
TODO: Expand webserver information and manual. A user should be able to play around with no knowledge if given a standard DEEPi and the web address.
TODO: make webserver proxy to webrtc for the feed rather than hardcoding the link
DEEPi uses timedatectl
to synchronize with ntp servers. The configuration
file is located at /etc/systemd/timesyncd.conf
TODO: Get time sync working. The university network may be the problem, but I cannot tell.