- 1
Using the win argument when reading in multiple files results in: [rast] extents do not match
#1589 opened - 1
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Feature Request: analog to sp::surfaceArea()
#1587 opened - 2
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- 1
Performance Comparison: 'extract' Function in 'raster' vs. 'terra' for Large Dataframes and Rasters
#1584 opened - 1
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Error: std::bad_alloc when using writeCDF
#1580 opened - 1
'mask' does not seem to be working as expected?
#1579 opened - 1
Upside-down non-georeferenced images
#1578 opened - 3
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Feature request: pletRGB()
#1575 opened - 3
invalid tiff on windows
#1574 opened - 1
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- 0
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Let plet() work with "local" CRS
#1570 opened - 2
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mtext equivalent function
#1567 opened - 3
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rounding issue in getTileExtents
#1564 opened - 3
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terra::rotate is repeating layers above #32768
#1562 opened - 2
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prcomp seems to be sensitive to raster names
#1560 opened - 5
as.polygons() renders upside-down object
#1559 opened - 4
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terra::union() cannot seem to correctly interpret projection, spatial envelopes, generates incorrect output
#1554 opened - 2
alternate behavior for `range=` argument in `terra::plot()` for SpatRasters to not mask extreme values
#1553 opened - 3
classify can not work well
#1552 opened - 0
- 1
crs argument to rast
#1550 opened - 2
Attributes and Metadata in NetCDF
#1549 opened - 1
- 5
terra::app does not work when nlyr > 9999
#1547 opened - 4
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