- agbergWalmart
- aronatkins@rstudio / @posit-dev
- astaylerazRStudio
- atheriel@rstudio
- bkietz@voltrondata
- byoo
- dpastoorA2-Ai
- eduardocfalcao
- eugeneteo
- falbukrek
- garrettgmanRStudio
- georgestaggPosit Software, PBC
- icaruszQuorum Control
- IronistM@efood
- jaywilburnWilburn Creative
- jcheng5@rstudio
- jdiezDS
- jhcloos
- jmcphersPosit Software, PBC
- jmsidhuNew York City area
- joshfrench@rstudio, formerly @medium, @stitchfix, @upworthy
- kozo2Tokyo, Japan
- LluisRamonBarcelona
- mengeln
- mercifr1Xing of solid and fluid
- msarahan@NVIDIA
- Founder
- noxferatu
- pssguyConsultant/Contractor
- RandyMaysStat
- robbyshaver
- rpremrajHamburg, Germany
- samohylFed. Univ. of Santa Catarina
- timelyportfolioavailable
- tnederlofHudson Valley, NY
- xuf12Canada