- 4
- 2
- 3
How to run webshot2 on a Linux server?
#47 opened by lijinbio - 4
- 1
Pass width and height dimension in percents
#48 opened by cderv - 9
- 4
- 0
Screenshot only shows cookie page
#63 opened by vonjd - 2
Feature request: more arguments to screenshot_pdf
#11 opened by ps0ares - 0
Release webshot2 0.1.1
#58 opened by gadenbuie - 0
webshot2 needs tests
#60 opened by gadenbuie - 0
- 2
- 3
- 2
incorrect formatting with rmd_shot
#55 opened by RKonstantinR - 0
- 1
rmdshot override params in render function
#54 opened by RKonstantinR - 3
- 5
Use Edge browser when webshot()?
#49 opened by kang37 - 1
Vignette with Shiny + Plotly?
#51 opened by tvqt - 1
- 0
Got error when using data.table in qmd code
#46 opened by iMissile - 6
Bug Report: attempt to apply non-function
#5 opened by JiaxiangBU - 10
Error trying to find path to Chrome
#39 opened by Minh-AnhHuynh - 1
wait_until_server_exists is called without p
#42 opened by aengels-git - 0
- 1
- 0
- 0
Update installation instructions
#37 opened by schloerke - 0
Enhancement: Provide web debugging support
#34 opened by dmurdoch - 0
id-based selector causes a timeout error
#32 opened by zkamvar - 0
package install error
#30 opened by Ivy-ops - 0
Rendering to pdf output
#29 opened by fgoerlich - 0
when i use webshot2 to shot ".html" to image ,which file on local.cannot find chrome,system error 3
#22 opened by Anthonyi223 - 5
Support authenticated sites
#2 opened by blairj09 - 8
- 1
Change Delay
#17 opened by mikejw - 0
- 1
- 1
Accidental dependency on webshot?
#13 opened by LTLA - 3
- 0
Feature request: eval argument
#9 opened by maelle - 2
will this work remotely on shinyapps?
#6 opened by stevepowell99 - 6
- 0
- 0
Should add a max_concurrent parameter
#3 opened by wch