
Primary LanguageCSSMIT LicenseMIT



The bar, control center and the fzf launcher (I'm using skim) are all eww widgets. The top bar itself is divided into 3 sections.


  • A button (search icon) (bound to alt+f) that opens an eww widget and runs sk using the input field as a query. You can click to open the file in a tmux session.
  • Quick Launch buttons
    • Open neovim (in alacritty)
    • firefox-developer-edition
    • inkscape
    • Capture a screenshot (with grim)
  • Workspace indicator (blue for current workspace, green for occupied workspaces)


Output of a request to `wttr.in`


  • RAM indicator as a circular progress bar. The colour changes depending on load (blue, green, yellow, red).
  • Bluetooth icon (if bluetooth is enabled according to rfkill)
  • Wifi/Ethernet icon (you may need to update your interface names)
  • Control Center button (clicking or alt+c toggles the control center):
    • The wifi, bluetooth and airplane mode buttons all toggle rfkill options.
    • The volume and brightness sliders are interactive
    • You need playerctl for the music player widget
  • Battery indicator
  • Day and time


  • There's a systemd timer available to check your newsboat feed. Edit it as needed.
  • Mod+C is bound to open a rofi (dmenu themed) window that you can use to quickly find and edit your config files.
  • If you use a laptop, I have a udev rule that turns off the compositor's blur and animations (as well as stops the docker service if no containers are running). The reverse is done when you plug in. You may need to remove that rule if it's not something you need.


This config uses a number of open source projects to work properly:

Have a look at the respective projects' READMEs for installation instructions.


There's an install script that you can use if you don't feel like copying everything manually. If you choose to use it, take a look at it first and make sure you execute it from the repo's directory.

