- 5
why patch standard Logger -- conflicting with other gems patch to infinite loop
#60 opened by jrochkind - 3
Support Ruby 2.7
#57 opened by balasankarc - 1
- 3
Refactor symbol hashes to >1.9 hash syntax
#52 opened by IotaSpencer - 0
Contrast message from the level
#55 opened - 2
- 4
- 2
Tests fail on a recent rebuild in Debian
#43 opened by mr-c - 3
Undefined method env for Rails module
#40 opened by smackesey - 0
yell broken on rails 4.2.6
#41 opened by tak1n - 2
Q: log to string?
#39 opened by jrochkind - 1
typo in Writing-your-own-adapter
#38 opened by gretel - 2
simple Rack middleware to Yell exceptions
#35 opened by gretel - 2
File locking?
#34 opened by the8472 - 1
- 4
Yell.load! not working as expected
#22 opened by timuckun - 1
- 5
Logging Mutates Variable
#30 opened by hrdwdmrbl - 1
License missing from gemspec
#27 opened by bf4 - 2
misleading wiki example, no-arg constructor
#29 opened by jrochkind - 16
Rails 4 undefined method 'formatter'
#21 opened by takism1 - 1
- 10
Show logger name in log message per default
#24 opened by phlegx - 2
- 3
Null logger
#14 opened by pkieltyka - 5
Filtering sensitive data from the log
#19 opened by hopsoft - 3
Unusual Loglevel
#1 opened by marcbey - 5
- 1
- 3
Upgrading yell broke it
#15 opened by timuckun - 3
caller in Yell::Event costs performance
#13 opened by the8472 - 2
Coloring seems a bit weird in Mac
#10 opened by timuckun - 12
Thread Safety
#4 opened by the8472 - 2
buffered log mode
#5 opened by pkieltyka - 2
symlink_original_filename doesn't work.
#3 opened by timuckun - 1