Temp Mail is a GUI application that creates a temporary email using the mail.tm service
This application is built using the following packages:
- fyne (version 2.3.0 or later)
- mailtm
- eventsource
- Creates a temporary email
- Login with an existing mail.tm email
- Delete email
- Auto updating Inbox using SSE
- Works on Linux and Windows, should work on MacOS as well (not tested)
- Dark theme
To compile and run, you will need to have Go installed on your machine. Refer to the installation instructions.
go install github.com/rumourscape/temporary-mailer
Temporary Mailer can be built for your operating system using Fyne. You’ll need to install it first:
go install fyne.io/fyne/v2/cmd/fyne@latest
Then clone this repository, and run the following command:
fyne package
A binary for your OS will be generated in the same directory.