Implementation of Natasha1.5 and Natasha2 algorithm in PyTorch
Natasha1.5 & Natasha2 algorithm in Pytorch
Full technical report: technical_report.pdf
This repo contains a PyTorch implementation of Natasha2 from the paper "Natasha 2: Faster Non-Convex Optimization Than SGD" by Zeyuan Allen-Zhu.
To run experiments in MNIST or CIFAR-10, please use notebook MNIST.ipynb and CIFAR.ipynb
We tested both Natasha1.5 and Natasha2 on two models -- Mini-LeNet-4 and ResNet-18 (see for architecture details).
Mini-LeNet-4 contains only ~600 parameters and ResNet-18 contains standard 11M parameters. We constructed a mini version of LeNet-4 because Natasha2 requires a second order hessian matrix which is extremely computationally expensive. Thus, given our hardware resources, we are able to train a Mini-LeNet-4 with reasonable period of training time.
Note: Mini-LeNet-4 doesn't have enough capacity to classify CIFAR-10, thus having strange learning curves