- 3
- 0
- 2
- 6
Safety, races, and interrupts
#26 opened by jmaargh - 1
2d Voladdress type
#27 opened by nicopap - 3
- 1
- 1
- 0
Request: conversions between `VolAddress<[T;N], R, W>` and `VolBlock<T, R, W, N>`
#24 opened by Lokathor - 1
Casting across R/W type parameters
#21 opened by aws-alepay - 0
Expand the top level crate docs
#19 opened by Lokathor - 0
Additional utility methods.
#17 opened by Lokathor - 4
- 1
Why is `VolBlock::len` unsafe?
#14 opened by Lymia - 0
Document that you can get memory tearing and/or non-atomic access if T is big enough
#8 opened by Lokathor - 1
Support for casting between Block types
#7 opened by Lokathor - 0
Support for 2D Blocks
#6 opened by Lokathor - 1
#9 opened by Lokathor - 1
ReadOnly and WriteOnly data type variants
#3 opened by Lokathor - 1
VolAddress to `usize`
#4 opened by Lokathor