
A Python client to use the TestLink API

Primary LanguagePython

TestLink API Python Client

Copyright 2011-2017 James Stock, Olivier Renault, Luiko Czub, TestLink-API-Python-client developers

License Apache License 2.0



TestLink-API-Python-client is a Python XML-RPC client for TestLink.

Initially based on James Stock testlink-api-python-client R7 and Olivier Renault JinFeng idea - an interaction of TestLink, Robot Framework and Jenkins.

TestLink-API-Python-client delivers two main classes

  • TestlinkAPIGeneric - Implements the TestLink API methods as generic PY methods with error handling
  • TestlinkAPIClient - Inherits from TestlinkAPIGeneric and defines service methods like "copyTCnewVersion".

and the helper class

  • TestLinkHelper - search connection parameter from environment variables and command line arguments

How to talk with TestLink in a python shell and copy a test case:

set TESTLINK_API_PYTHON_SERVER_URL=http://[YOURSERVER]/testlink/lib/api/xmlrpc/v1/xmlrpc.php
set TESTLINK_API_PYTHON_DEVKEY=[Users devKey generated by TestLink]

>>> import testlink
>>> tls = testlink.TestLinkHelper().connect(testlink.TestlinkAPIClient)
>>> tls.countProjects()
>>> tc_info = tls.getTestCase(None, testcaseexternalid='NPROAPI-3')
[{'full_tc_external_id': 'NPROAPI-3', ..., 'id': '5440',  'version': '2',
  'testsuite_id': '5415', 'tc_external_id': '3','testcase_id': '5425', ...}]
>>> tls.copyTCnewTestCase(tc_info[0]['testcase_id'], testsuiteid=newSuiteID,
                                         testcasename='a new test case name')
>>> print tls.whatArgs('createTestPlan')
createTestPlan(<testplanname>, <testprojectname>, [note=<note>], [active=<active>],
               [public=<public>], [devKey=<devKey>])
  create a test plan


Install the latest stable release from PyPI using pip by running

pip install TestLink-API-Python-client

Directory Layout

Source for TestLink API Python Client
Installation and Usage documentation
Examples, how to use TestlinkAPIGeneric and TestlinkAPIClient.
For (nearly all) implemented API methods you find an example, how to call it and how the response looks like.
Unit Tests for TestLink API Python Client
Configuration for multi Python version testing via Tox


Questions, Enhancements, Issues are welcome under Issues

Take a look into CHANGES.rst for additional details, what have changed and how existing code can be adapted

TestLink-API-Python-client developers