
Primary LanguageJavaScript


ROS Nav Cheatsheet

Find all parameters through echoing their /topic/parameter_descriptions and /topic/parameter_updates. Useful when you can't find the param definition in ROS wiki

rostopic echo -n1 /move_base/parameter_descriptions > move_base_param_desc.txt
rostopic echo -n1 /move_base/parameter_updates > move_base_param_updates.txt

Change ROSPARAMS while running!!!

dynamic_reconfigure and its gui counterpart >> rqt_reconfigure


rosrun dynamic_reconfigure dynparam COMMAND


rosrun rqt_reconfigure rqt_reconfigure

USE rqt_gui to launch rqt_reconfigure, like rviz, settings are saved as a .perspective file. Figure out how to launch with .perspective

rosrun rqt_gui rqt_gui