Showcase project and playground utilizing Redux, Redux DevTools, React, React Router, RethinkDB, ElasticSearch, universal/server side rendering using Koa and Material Design Lite. It's written in ES7, compiled by Babel and the front end is served via WebPack. Originally based on khtdr's redux-react-koa-isomorphic-counter-example and the official Redux examples.
Questions, feedback and forks are welcome. I'm happy about any issues opened.
There are still some bugs to fix and some more tech I'd like to use or at least explore, like ImmutableJS, Rx.js, better ElasticSearch indexing, RethinkDB Changefeeds, WebSockets, authentication, caching, better and more complex routing and more. And the output files are still pretty big: 5.6 MB for common.js
(third party library stuff) and 1.5 MB for app.js
. Anyways, the code is quite clean and up to date. That's a good thing.
There's a slight chance that it's currently running here, so you can play around a little bit.
- RethinkDB 2.1.2
- ElasticSearch 1.7.1
Make sure RethinkDB and ElasticSearch are correctly set up and running.
npm install
npm run dev
curl localhost:3000/setup/db
curl localhost:3000/setup/es
You can add slices to the database by sending a POST request to api/slices
, e.g.
curl -XPOST localhost:3000/api/slices -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "$(cat ./slice)"`.
find slices -type f | while read -r slice; do
xpost api/slices -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "$(cat $slice)"
mkdir public && cp -r node_modules/highlight.js/styles public
If things went well, the client should be reachable at localhost:3000/slices
. You can query the API on e.g. localhost:3000/api/slices
. See src/server/routes/slices.js for some of the available routes.
GET | api/slices/sample |
get random slices, defaults to 3 |
GET | api/slices/sample/42 |
GET | api/slices/1719479834788995000 |
get a slice and all its dependencies |
GET | api/slices/1719479834788995000/refs |
get references only |
GET | api/slices/search/hexquad |
query elasticsearch to return slices with matching fragments |
POST | api/slices/1719479834788995000/upvote |
POST | api/slices/1719479834788995000/downvote |
POST | api/slices/1719479834788995000/like |
GET | api/slices/liked |
get all liked slices |
GET | api/slices/withReferences |
get all slices w/ references |
GET | api/slices/withoutReferences |
get all slices w/o references |
GET | api/slices/withInstances |
get all liked w/ instances |
export PORT=3000
pick () { jq ".[].$1" }
xget () { curl -s -XGET localhost:$PORT/$1 }
Query Elasticsearch and get sliceIDs only
xget api/slices/search/int\?size=50 | jq '.hits.hits[]._source.sliceID'
Pretty reference counts
(repeat 42 (
a=$(xget api/slices/$(xget api/slices/sample/1 | pick sliceID)/refs | pick sliceID | wc -l)
echo -n "$a "
repeat $a printf .
) && echo) | lolcat -F 0.5
Count duplicate slices on each fetch
repeat 42 xget api/slices/sample/1 | pick "uses[].reference.otherSlice" |\
grep -v null | uniq -d | wc -l
Insert a directory of slices into the database
slices=($(ls -1 slices))
for i in slices/*; do
xpost api/slices -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "$(cat $i)"