
:skull_and_crossbones: Delightful Node.js packages useful for penetration testing, exploiting, reverse engineer, cryptography ...

Awesome Node.js for pentesters

☠️ Delightful Node.js packages useful for penetration testing, exploiting, reverse engineer, cryptography ...

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  • Pown.js - Security testing an exploitation toolkit.
  • Brosec - Interactive reference tool to help security professionals utilize useful payloads and commands.
  • netcat - Netcat port in pure JS.
  • Honeypot - Low interaction honeypot that displays real time attacks.
  • default-gateway - Get the default network gateway, cross-platform.


  • ZAP API - Implementation to access the OWASP ZAP API.
  • got - Simplified HTTP requests.


  • Sherlock.js - Find usernames across over 75 social networks - Remake of sdushantha/sherlock.
  • whois - Whois protocol client.


  • Shodan client - Library for accessing the new Shodan API.
  • censys - Unofficial wrapper for the Censys API.


  • geoip - Native NodeJS implementation of MaxMind's GeoIP API.
  • iplocation - Get IP location information using various providers.
  • ipify - Get your public IP address.



  • Harvester - Web crawling and document processing through a usable interface.
  • Paskto - Passive web scanner.
  • Squidwarc - High fidelity, user scriptable, archival crawler that uses Chrome or Chromium with or without a head.
  • snap-shot-it - Smarter snapshot utility.

Network map

  • evilscan - Simple network scanner.
  • nmap - Wrapper interfacing with local Nmap installation.
  • tcpie - CLI tool to ping any TCP port.
  • wifi - Tool to manage connections, scans, etc.


  • is-reachable - Check if servers are reachable.
  • is-online - Check if the internet connection is up.
  • public-ip - Get your public IP address - very fast!.
  • internal-ip - Get your internal IP address.
  • ipaddr.js - IP address manipulation library.
  • is-local-ip - Check that a given ip address is private.
  • ip-ptr - Get the PTR name for a given IPv4 or IPv6 address.


  • get-port - Get an available port.
  • port-numbers - Get information on network port numbers and services, based on IANA's public listing.
  • tcp-port-used - Simple module to check if a TCP port is already bound.


  • cidr - Library for manipulating IP addresses and subnets using CIDR notation.
  • cidr-tools - Tools to work with IPv4 and IPv6 CIDR network lists.
  • is-cidr - Check if a string is an IP address in CIDR.


  • arp-scan - Simple apr-scan wrapper.
  • oui - Look up MAC addresses for their vendor in the IEEE OUI.
  • getmac - Get the computer MAC address.


  • net-ping - Ping and trace route to many hosts at once.
  • dhcp - DHCP client and server.


  • nodebuster - Yet another DirBuster clone, to brute-force directories and files on HTTP(S) servers.
  • subquest - Fast, Elegant subdomain DNS scanner.


  • octo - Standard library for fuzzing.
  • eslump - Fuzz testing JavaScript parsers and suchlike programs.
  • sinkdweller - A simple wrapper for radamsa.
  • Faker.js - Generate massive amounts of realistic fake data.


  • text2cpe - Reversed sorta implementation of CPE Name detection in ShoVAT based on research paper.
  • PegaSwitch - Exploit toolkit for the Nintendo Switch.


  • whonow - Malicious DNS server for executing DNS Rebinding attacks on the fly.
  • dref - DNS Rebinding Exploitation Framework.


  • mitm - Intercept and mock outgoing network TCP connections and HTTP requests.
  • toxy - Hackable HTTP proxy for resiliency testing and simulated network conditions.


Reverse shell

  • Reverse Shell aaS - Easy to remember reverse shell that should work on most Unix-like systems.
  • alveare - Multi-client, multi-threaded reverse shell handler.

Code review

  • electronegativity - Static analysis tool to identify misconfigurations and security anti-patterns in Electron applications.
  • eslint-plugin-security - This project will help identify potential security hotspots, but finds a lot of false positives which need triage by a human.
  • repo-supervisor - Scan your code for security misconfiguration, search for passwords and secrets.
  • vuln-regex-detector - Detect vulnerable regexes. REDOS, catastrophic backtracking.


  • run-npm-audit - Use npm audit programmatically.
  • npm-check-updates - Find newer versions of package dependencies than what your package.json or bower.json allows.
  • depcheck - Check your npm module for unused dependencies.
  • auditjs - Audits a package.json using the OSS Index v3 REST API to identify known vulnerabilities and outdated package versions.


  • crypto-js - Library of crypto standards.
  • rsa - Pure JavaScript RSA library.
  • seedrandom - Seeded random number generator for JavaScript.
  • Qiskit.js - True random numbers generation through quantum computing.
  • upash - Unified API for all password hashing algorithms.


  • nodeCrypt - Linux Ransomware written in NodeJs that encrypt predefined files.
  • malware-jail - Sandbox for semi-automatic Javascript malware analysis, deobfuscation and payload extraction.
  • virustotal-api - Virustotal API v2.0 wrapper.
  • MalwareWorld - System based on +500 blacklists and 5 external intelligences to detect internet potencially malicious hosts.
  • box.js - Utility to analyze malicious JavaScript.

Reverse engineering


  • r2pipe - Pipe bindings for radare2.
  • frida-node - Bindings for Frida.
  • r2Frida - Radare2 and Frida better together.



Vulnerable apps

  • OWASP NodeGoat - Provides an environment to learn how OWASP Top 10 security risks and how to effectively address them.
  • OWASP Juice Shop - Probably the most modern and sophisticated insecure web application.
  • DVNA - Damn Vulnerable Application is a simple application to demonstrate OWASP Top 10 Vulnerabilities and guide on fixing and avoiding these vulnerabilities.


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Creative Commons License

🐧 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.