
Metal shader Swift encoding code generator

Primary LanguageSwift


Swift code generator for Metal encoding code. This tool enables bugs-free, rapid shader-driven development, reduces your GPU codebase by at least a factor of two and prevents any encoding bugs (i.e. wrong resources indexes, shader names etc)


Currently, mtlswift supports two execution commands:

  • mtlswift generate ... This command generates encoders from provided shaders and stops execution.
  • mtlswift watch ... This command makes mtlswift subscribe to the files changes of provided shaders and continuously update the result.

The user is able to provide multiple paths to the shaders files or folders containing them, for example:

mtlswift watch ../shaders_folder/ ../../another_shaders_folder/Shaders.metal

WARNING: This tool currently generates encoders for Alloy syntax. We will probably support vanilla Metal code in the future.

CLI Options

List of currently supported arguments:

  • --output ..., -o This argument specifies the output file path. If multiple inputs are provided, the encoders file will contain concatenated result.

  • --ignore ..., -i The user is able to specify folder or a file to be ignored. This argument might be passed multiple times, for example:

    mtlswift watch . -i shaders_to_ignore.metal -i folder_to_ignore/
  • --recursive, -r This flag enables recursive search for .metal files in provided folders.


To support encoders generation first of all you need to add namespace mtlswift {} at the beginning of the file.

#include <metal_stdlib>

using namespace metal;

namespace mtlswift {}

Customizing generation

Every custom annotation starts with mtlswift:. The program uses this declaration prefix to identify the start of a declaration. It must be written in a doc string way right before the kernel.

/// mtlswift: ...
kernel void exampleKernel(...
  • dispatch:

    A dispatch type to use. All of dispatch types has to be followed by either constant amount of threads via literals (like X, Y, Z), specifying a target texture to cover via over: argument or stating that amount of threads will be provided by user by using provided. You can see all of the examples into each section, but you can choose the combination yourself.

    • even

      Dispatch threadgroups of a uniform threadgroup size. Width, height and depth describe the grid size.

      /// mtlswift:dispatch:even:1024, 768, 1
      kernel void exampleKernel(texture2d<half, access::read_write> inPlaceTexture [[ texture(0) ]],
    • exact

      Dispatch threads with threadgroups of non-uniform size.

      /// mtlswift:dispatch:exact:over:inPlaceTexture
      kernel void exampleKernel(texture2d<half, access::read_write> inPlaceTexture [[ texture(0) ]],
    • optimal(function_constant_index)

      Uses exact type if GPU supports non uniform threadgroup size and over if it doesn't. This declaration requires a boolean function constant index to be passed to make the decision what dispatch type to use.

      constant bool deviceSupportsNonuniformThreadgroups [[function_constant(0)]];
      /// mtlswift:dispatch:optimal(0):provided
      kernel void exampleKernel(texture2d<half, access::read> sourceTexture [[ texture(0) ]],
    • none

      The dispatch type set by default. In this case user has to dispatch kernel manually, after calling encode method

  • threadgroupSize:

    Specify the threadgroup size.

    • X, Y, Z

      Allows to specify constant X, Y and Z dimensions for threadgroup size.

    • max

      This parameter sets the pipeline state's max2dThreadgroupSize.

    • executionWidth

      This parameter sets the pipeline state's executionWidthThreadgroupSize.

    • provided

      In this case user has to pass the threadgroup size and an argument to encode(... function.

    /// mtlswift:threadgroupSize:provided
    kernel void exampleKernel(texture2d<half, access::read> sourceTexture [[ texture(0) ]],
  • swiftParameterType:

    The type of the buffers passed to the kernel.

    /// mtlswift:swiftParameterType:offset:vector_ushort2
    /// mtlswift:swiftParameterType:intensities:vector_float3
    kernel void exampleKernel(constant ushort2& offset [[ buffer(0) ]],
                              constant float3& intensities [[buffer(1)]],
  • swiftParameterName:

    The name of the buffers passed to the kernel.

    /// mtlswift:swiftParameterName:intensities:parameters
    kernel void exampleKernel(constant ushort2& offset [[ buffer(0) ]],
                              constant float3& intensities [[buffer(1)]],
  • swiftName:

    Encoder's name in generated Swift code. Must be followed by a valid Swift identifier.

  • accessLevel:

    Specifies the access visibility of the encoder. Must be followed by either public, open, internal, private or fileprivate. internal is the default.


  • @eugenebokhan is responsible for nice CLI that this tool has and also for docs that can guide you around
