ESP32 application to change a voice to be eg stormtrooper or dalek sounding, either in real time for cosplay or as a recording. Recordings can be downloaded to the browser as a WAV file for playback on a media player
- captFutureVienna Austria
- chengcharcharHeytz Technology, Inc.
- dolezsa
- dUaL13
- elektor-labsElektor
- eliosmoreiraINSYDE Studio
- gpb01Phoenix Sistemi & Automazione s.a.g.l.
- hesphorosBeijing
- Hilarious83Germany
- hstudent2023
- JimmyPedersenZellaco
- jyvikoCircadic
- Kvanr23@RDSecIT
- Laarge
- limengduSeeed Studio
- lopatoid
- LycheeYum
- m1rz11
- manuelavilaorona
- mappflow
- metalman3797
- MH-GoL
- MLXProjectsSaitek Control S.R.L.
- MVinogradof
- normanalieFrance
- nullmonk
- roboticboyerRobotic Boyer
- roosaramendis
- rusosnithsoviet inc
- TereschenkoDmitry
- thebigboss84
- tobozoParis, France
- tuliopo
- vad-babushkinLiechtenstein
- vyPal127.0.0.1
- wolfgangwayland7ZenTecH