
Load Structure Data

gtonkinhill opened this issue · 4 comments

A function to load multiple STRUCTURE output files.

Perhaps we should split this into multiple functions that iteratively add the output of the post processing programs (clump, harvester etc).

Output of STRUCTURE, clump, clumpak? and harvester.

A useful data frame for further downstream analysis.

are you thinking something along the lines of
read.harvester ?

Looking good Gerry 👍 I'm happy to write a few I/O tests then we should be able to close this.

got to play around with settings here, like using prior population information and snp datasets with missingness. etc.

Yeah, I think it's probably easiest if we write tests that check the output of loadStructure for each of the tables and then run a bunch of different input files through it with different parameters. This will save us from having to inspect each result manually.