Estimate the best K
gtonkinhill opened this issue · 6 comments
A function that runs the method of Evanno and plots ln(Pr(X|K) values in order to identify the k for which Pr(K=k) is highest (as described in STRUCTURE's manual, section 5.1)
I also think an interesting possibility would be to pool results from various tools here. Not exactly sure how to go about this at this stage.
clumpak does something like that, although I haven't looked at it yet
for admixture is this the change point in the CV graph?
I think we can close this now, unless we want to put something in for Admixture?
looks good. i'll add something in for admixture before closing that uses admixtures cross-validation method to select the min.
I've added in admixture CV graph. Also throws error if the user hasn't added a log file.
With the repeated runs for STRUCTURE would it be possible to do something akin to for model selection?
Also I don't know how mathematically sound this would be... but if you're doing repeated structure runs kinda akin to doing a 'bootstrap' like procedure ---> could do likelihood ratio tests?