
Feature request: Paintera zoom hotkeys are unintuitive, can we change them

GenevieveBuckley opened this issue · 4 comments

This is a followup issue related to discussions with several people at the CellMap hackathon.

I personally find it very unintuitive if the mouse wheel scroll does not control the zoom. Alyson and others also say this throws them off too, so I think this is a widespread expectation about what people expect the user interface to be.

Plus Paintera's zoom commands are especially difficult for me to remember, because my next guess for a zoom command would be Control and +/- (Fiji uses this, so do web browsers, etc.). But that is also not the Paintera zoom command either.

My ideal situation would be if the mouse wheel controlled the zoom, and the arrow keys controlled in-plane rotation and scrolling through image slices.

Optionally, I guess it could also be nice to use Control and +/- to also control the zoom, assuming that's not used for anything else (and then you'd have covered the two most common expectations for zooming).

Alyson mentioned that this moment in time is probably quite a good time to make changes, because soon there will be a lot of new people getting trained on Paintera. So it wouldn't be too much effort to teach people the new way (and might even work out better if the new way is closer to expectations people have about how to control visualization software).

Ctrl + Shift + MouseWheel zooms to the location of the mouse pointer, this is consistent with BigDataViewer and I find it easy because the left hand is on Ctrl and Shift anyways, because: MouseWheel scrolls through Z, Ctrl + MouseWheel scrolls through Z 10x slower, Shift + MouseWheel scrolls through Z 10x faster, this is consistent with BigDataViewer and also with how rotations are accelerated and decelerated. I am hesitant to take this away without having a good plan for how to do the navigation commands that would be replaced. But we have a plan for how to enable full customization of all controls, including MIDI controllers. This work will address this issue in that it will enable you to come up with a setup that you find more intuitive. Does that work?

... this is consistent with BigDataViewer

Ah, perhaps there is documentation about BigDataViewer we can link to then? I found this page, not sure if there is a better one somewhere.
If the mental framework is "everything is the same as BigDataViewer", then it's easier to tell people where to go to become more familiar with it, so hopefully it all becomes more intuitive.

I am hesitant to take this away without having a good plan for how to do the navigation commands that would be replaced.

That's fair!

But we have a plan for how to enable full customization of all controls, including MIDI controllers. This work will address this issue in that it will enable you to come up with a setup that you find more intuitive. Does that work?

Yes, that would

we have a plan for how to enable full customization of all controls

That sounds amazing (and probably not easy to implement). Will that also enable the user to switch the panning controls to left-mouse-drag instead of right-mouse-drag?