
I was frustrated with all the blog stuff out there, so I wrote my own (exactly what you should not do!)

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Dead simple blog

I started with the following requirements:

  • Host blog on GitHub pages (aka: static HTML)
  • Write posts in Markdown
  • Extremely minimal design, but don't look like 💩
  • Eventually be able to filter posts on an index page via tags

Ultimately, IMO, I was able to satisfy all my points. It's not perfect, but it does exactly what I set out for. So: deploy.

If you want to use this, depending on your level of laziness:

I just want to write blog posts

To do this:

  1. Fork this repo
  2. Set up GitHub pages, add a CNAME if custom domained
  3. Write whatever posts you want in the folder source and name the files as the title of your blog posts, using underscores, e.g.: my_holiday_in_rome.md
  4. From the root of the fork, run npm install && npm run dead_easy

I want to write blog posts and create an index.html with links to the posts

Do 1-3 above, then:

  1. Update the file template.json with your post names and tags (tags must be underscore separated).
  2. From the root of the fork, run npm install && npm run easy. Notice it's easy this time, not dead_easy :).

I want to write blog posts, create an index.html && change the style, google analytics, etc.

Well, you are a pro! So you should know what to do. As a heads up: do as above + change template.html and template.css to fit your needs. Important here, don't change _TITLE_REPLACE_HERE_ and _CONTENT_REPLACE_HERE_ in template.html except if you know what you are doing. These are used to inject title and markdown content.