
Primary LanguageJavaBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause


Information on the build and deployment process for the EVSRESTAPI project


  • Install Docker and ensure it is configured to allow (Docker -> Settings -> Resources)

    • Memory = 7G
    • Swap = 1G
  • Clone the project - https://github.com/NCIEVS/evsrestapi

    • Before cloning the repo, make sure that the command git config core.autocrlf returns false. Change it to false using git config --global core.autocrlf false if necessary
  • Choose a local directory $dir (e.g. c:/evsrestapi)

  • mkdir -p $dir/elasticsearch/data

  • Download latest ThesaurusInf_*OWL.zip, unpack to $dir/ThesaurusInferred.owl (see https://evs.nci.nih.gov/ftp1/NCI_Thesaurus/)

Steps for Loading NCI Thesaurus Data and Indexes Locally

  • Launch Stardog and load NCI Thesaurus data - (see Stardog Resources)

  • Launch Elasticsearch docker container - (see Elasticsearch Resources)

  • Load/Compute Indexes (for NCI Thesaurus)

    Build the project - From the root of cloned https://github.com/NCIEVS/evsrestapi

    gradlew clean build -x test

    version=ncit_21.08d export EVS_SERVER_PORT=8083 export NCI_EVS_BULK_LOAD_DOWNLOAD_BATCH_SIZE=500 export NCI_EVS_BULK_LOAD_INDEX_BATCH_SIZE=100 java -Dspring.profiles.active=local -jar build/libs/evsrestapi-*.jar --terminology $version --forceDeleteIndex > log 2>&1 & tail -f log

Steps for Building and Running EVSRESTAPI locally

  • Launch Stardog and Elasticsearch (as described above)

    • If loaded properly, the loaded artifacts should be persistent and you can take down and restart the docker processes and the data will still be there.
    • NOTE: both services must be loaded and running for the application tests to run properly
  • Configure application

    • see src/main/resources/application-local.yml file for local setup (these settings should be suitable for local deployment)
  • Build the application (MUST DO BEFORE RUNNING if using "external tools configuration")

    • ./gradlew clean build -x test
    • Executable war file present in build/libs
  • Run application in Eclipse (SpringBoot)

    • Click "Run" -> "External Tools" -> "External Tools Configurations"

    • Create a new entry under "Program" and configure it as follows:

      • location = <path to java executable, e.g. 'C:/Program Files/Java/jdk1.8.0_191/bin/java.exe'>
      • working dir = <path to project, e.g. 'C:/Users/bcarl/Desktop/workspace/evsrestapi'>
      • Arguments = command line args
        • '-Xmx4096M' - ensure enough memory usage
        • '-Dspring.profiles.active=local' - make sure to use application-local.yml
        • '-jar *.war' - point to the war file
    • Test that it's up by looking for swagger docs: http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html#/

Steps for Loading NCI Metathesaurus Indexes Locally

  • Download the NCI Metathesaurus to a local directory

  • Properly configure the environment variables needed by ncim.sh

  • Run ncim.sh

      src/main/bin/ncim.sh --noconfig $dir