
For sharing empirical Seed Transfer Zones (STZs) spatial data products.

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eSTZwritR ('easy rider')


An R package for applying standardized file naming, directory structure, mapping, and metadata conventions to empirical Seed Transfer Zones (eSTZs).


The goal of this package is to standardize eSTZ documentation to accelerate the sharing of these resources among natural resource professionals.


eSTZwritR is available only on github. It can be installed using remotes or devtools like so:


Once installed it can be attached for use like any other package from github or CRAN



eSTZwritR requires only five user-facing functions to implement all data sharing conventions.

Function Purpose Output
regionCoding determine DOI Regions Character string for file naming
dirmakR create Directory Directory, spatial data
mapmakR create Map PDF or png map (for publications)
fieldsmakR ensure fields (columns) are named sf object to local location
orderZones ordering seed zone numbers updated vector data, plot, summary


A paper describing the impetus behind the creation of eSTZwritR, and broadly outlining it's functionality is available here (COMING SOON!).

A vignette showcasing the usage of the package is available here.


Wieferich, B., Benkendorf, R.C. 2024. eSTZwritR

A bibtex entry for latex users is:

title = {eSTZwritR},
author = {Wieferich, B and Benkendorf R.C.},
year = {2024},
url = {https://github.com/sagesteppe/eSTZwritR},

Or use R to display citations using
