need get into the machine

ssh 'machine'

ssh -p 'dasdas' gaadi

ssh -p 'dasdas' sahilseth@tesla.XXXX

windows users: you can now use the built in openssh capabilites, via a windows update.

listing vms

get a list of running VMs

VBoxManage list runningvms
"win10" {2aa5d69d-e8f3-4b6f-a3a3-364b2f00971e}
VBoxManage list -l runningvms
Name:            win10
Groups:          /
Guest OS:        Windows 10 (64-bit)
UUID:            2aa5d69d-e8f3-4b6f-a3a3-364b2f00971e
Hardware UUID:   2aa5d69d-e8f3-4b6f-a3a3-364b2f00971e
Memory size:     8048MB
Page Fusion:     off
VRAM size:       256MB

if its not running, how to start

# headless is key, if doing from cmdline
VBoxManage startvm win10 --type headless

if its ON, but not working

Requires debugging!

# nudge a soft poweroff
VBoxManage controlvm win10 acpipowerbutton
# if it does not work, a hard power off
VBoxManage controlvm win10 poweroff

## then switch if back on
VBoxManage startvm win10 --type headless

Last time the VM became inaccessible

cd VirtualBox\ VMs/win10

# list all files

# cd: change directory
cd .. # do one up
cd XXX # go into folder XX

# get present WD

# had to copy over this file...
cp win10.vbox-prev win10.vbox


Q after just a few minutes of successfull start, the machine becomes inaccisible

We couldn't connect to the remote PC. Make sure the PC is turned on and connected to the network, and that remote access is enabled.

Error code: 0x204

A: some say, this may be related to a security vulnerability.

  1. this could even be related to lack of space on the device!!!

cp: error writing 'win10.vbox-prev_bak': No space left on device