
This repository is an implementation of PID controller using TTD

Primary LanguageC++

PID controller Gmock Test Implimentation

Build Status Coverage Status


This repository is a simple illustration of gmock test using PID classes and implementation of toy PID controller using the following dependecies:

  • cmake
  • gtest
  • gmock

Google Mock Testing

A virtual "generalPID" class is created to test the mocking framework interfaces in C++ using gmock. The virtual methods are inherited by the PID class where virtual computePID function is re-defined.

In the mockgeneralPID.h file located in test folder all the methods used in gmocks are defined and are given below:

class mockgeneralPID : public generalPID {
  MOCK_METHOD2(computePID, float(float,float));
  MOCK_METHOD1(setKP, bool(float kp));
  MOCK_METHOD1(setKI, bool(float ki));
  MOCK_METHOD1(setKD, bool(float kd));

In the testPID.cpp file, all the tests are implemented with inline comments for reference.

cmake updates

To use gmock make the following changes

  • Base cmake add the following line add_subdirectory(vendor/googletest)
  • test/cmake: Include the following lines at the end of the cmake
target_include_directories(cpp-test PUBLIC ../vendor/googletest/googletest/include PUBLIC ../vendor/googletest/googlemock/include ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/include)

target_link_libraries(cpp-test PUBLIC gtest PUBLIC gmock)

The above lines will include both gtest and gmock dependency To check the gmock documentation clike here

Standard install via command-line

git clone -b GMock_Extra_Credit --single-branch https://github.com/saimouli/PIDcontroller.git
cd <path to repository>
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
Run tests: ./test/cpp-test
Run program: ./app/PID-app

Building for code converage

sudo apt-get install lcov
make code_coverage

Working with Eclipse IDE


In your Eclipse workspace directory (or create a new one), checkout the repo (and submodules)

mkdir -p ~/workspace
cd ~/workspace
git clone -b GMock_Extra_Credit --single-branch https://github.com/saimouli/PIDcontroller.git

In your work directory, use cmake to create an Eclipse project for an [out-of-source build] of cpp-boilerplate

cd ~/workspace
mkdir -p PID-eclipse
cd PID-eclipse
cmake -G "Eclipse CDT4 - Unix Makefiles" -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -D CMAKE_ECLIPSE_VERSION=4.7.0 -D CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ARG1=-std=c++14 ../PIDcontroller/


Open Eclipse, go to File -> Import -> General -> Existing Projects into Workspace -> Select "boilerplate-eclipse" directory created previously as root directory -> Finish


Source files may be edited under the "[Source Directory]" label in the Project Explorer.


To build the project, in Eclipse, unfold boilerplate-eclipse project in Project Explorer, unfold Build Targets, double click on "all" to build all projects.


  1. In Eclipse, right click on the boilerplate-eclipse in Project Explorer, select Run As -> Local C/C++ Application

  2. Choose the binaries to run (e.g. shell-app, cpp-test for unit testing)