
basic ROS tutorials from official website

Primary LanguageC++BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause

ENPM808X - ROS Beginner Tutorial



This repository contains basic ROS C++ subscriber and publisher taken from the ROS website.

  • Takler (src/talker.cpp): publisher
  • Listener (src/listener.cpp): subscriber

A launch file named week10HW.launch can be used to launch both talker and listener nodes

A service message named changeText.srv is used to change the output string upon request by the client


This project depends on the following:

  • ROS kinetic : To install follow ROS installation page
  • catkin : To install catkin follow this tutorial

and has been tested to work on ubuntu 16.04 LTS

Build Instructions

Assuming dependencies are met. Follow below commands:

mkdir -p ~/catkin_ws/src
cd ~/catkin_ws/
source devel/setup.bash
cd src/
git clone -b Week10_HW --single-branch https://github.com/saimouli/beginner_tutorials.git
cd ..

Run Instructions

Source the following command in bashrc

nano ~/.bashrc
source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
source ~/.bashrc

To launch nodes, can either use a launch file or rosrun. Launch file will let user to launch several nodes in one command. Instructions for both types are below:

Using Launch File

To use launch file type the following command in the terminal:

roslaunch begineer_tutorials week10HW.launch

User can change the frequency at which the loop operates by the following command;

roslaunch begineer_tutorials week10HW.launch frequency:=7

Using rosrun

In a new terminal[1] type


In an another terminal[2] type

cd ~/catkin_ws
rosrun beginner_tutorials talker
  • if you like to change the frequency enter:
  • input must be an integer and greater than zero.
cd ~/catkin_ws
rosrun beginner_tutorials talker <frequency>

Yet in an another new terminal[3] type

cd ~/catkin_ws
rosrun beginner_tutorials listener


If the user would like to change the output string message, type the following command in a new terminal

rosservice call /changeText "sample text"


To see the message log in real time, use rqt_console GUI by typing the following command in a new terminal:
