- 4
Port Sonokai color scheme to iTerm2 themes
#115 opened by andreihh - 6
Increase the contrast for Visual mode selection
#36 opened by EdwarDu - 5
Distinguish TSSymbol from TSVariable
#112 opened by mikehaertl - 13
Enhance for snacks.nvim dashboard
#106 opened by RomanAverin - 11
Feature Request: Add Support for Vim9 LSP
#110 opened by JohnWick95 - 3
Float style "none" missing
#107 opened by stentibbing - 8
- 2
- 6
Installed nvim-treesitter, but after installing printf, the C file is not highlighted
#101 opened by IC0hO - 4
Neovim v0.10.0 Upgrade Color Changes
#100 opened by kaykhan - 1
Add support for NotifyBackground
#96 opened by matadaniel - 9
LSP saga floating window design
#87 opened by kaykhan - 10
xresources, base16-snazy
#99 opened by vlappa - 7
- 4
- 2
Configuration for dim float window style
#90 opened by ten3roberts - 4
- 6
Question: Better highlighter command support for Dockerfile with treesitter
#92 opened by huyhoang8398 - 3
Support vim
#93 opened by HaleTom - 1
- 5
help with folke/noice.nvim and mini view
#89 opened by kaykhan - 3
#78 opened by kaykhan - 5
- 2
Jetbrains Port
#51 opened by padermon - 5
Support Neo-tree.nvim
#88 opened by kaykhan - 6
- 3
- 2
How to set Espresso mode?
#81 opened by achenet - 4
Emacs Port?
#77 opened by xmawja - 2
How to change style to Andromeda in lua?
#76 opened by Sudeep-Sharma0-0 - 2
A lot of highlight warning.
#74 opened by Vssblt - 2
Error when define colorscheme sonokai
#71 opened by Danielwsx64 - 8
Add WinBar and WinBarNC
#64 opened by registerGen - 1
[Question] Does the colorscheme need to do something to support hrsh7th/cmp-nvim-lsp-signature-help
#63 opened by sitedyno - 4
Better ruby highlights
#62 opened by gabrielsugai - 2
New release
#61 opened by ljmf00 - 3
- 1
link `TSParameter` to `Orange`
#56 opened by registerGen - 1
Tmux color issue / line ?
#54 opened by kaykhancheckpoint - 1
- 2
How to install with Plug?
#52 opened by 0xdeface - 6
Please add an option to disable terminal color
#49 opened by nakatuba - 1
What font used on the sample images?
#50 opened by zer09 - 1
I just wanted to say thank you.
#48 opened by spikespaz - 9
spelling errors not coloured anymore
#47 opened by st-bender - 1
Highlight GitSignsCurrentLineBlame
#45 opened by hillaryychan - 1
Implementation for nvim-lualine/lualine.nvim
#44 opened by jorgebef - 2
Cannot disable italics
#42 opened by andykais - 1
Differently Colored Parameters
#39 opened by theteachr - 8
style not changing
#37 opened