
Hybrid simulation tool

Primary LanguagePython

recom-sim: A hybrid simulation tool


recom-sim is a tool based on Nielsen et al.'s HYBRIDLAB for simulating hybrids from the genetic data of two reference populations using allele frequencies. recom-sim allows for faster simulations, the inclusion of significantly more markers, and the creation of common introgression classes (F2, B2, B3) in one step. While mainly geared towards SNP data, any biallelic data in GENEPOP format can be used.

Example use

python recom-sim.py input_file.txt 1 --num-offs 1000 --out output_file.txt

Input file

Similar to HYBRIDLAB, recom-sim uses the GENEPOP format as input. Any variation of comma or newline separated loci, two or three digit alleles, and tab or space separated data is accepted. Ensure that only two populations are present in the file.


Usage: recom-sim [OPTIONS]

  input_file          file path to GENEPOP reference
  introgression       choice of {1,2,3}

  --num-offs INT      number of offspring to simulate (def = 100)
  --p1name   TEXT     name for pop1, used to differentiate backcrosses (def = 'POP1')
  --p2name   TEXT     name for pop2, used to differentiate backcrosses (def = 'POP2')
  --exclude           excludes reference populations from output file
  --out      TEXT     output file name (def = 'out')

Introgression level

The positional argument 'introgression' signifies the generational level to simulate.

  1. Only F1 hybrids
  2. F1, F2, B2POP1, B2POP2 (backcrosses to both reference populations: F1 x POP1, F1 x POP2)
  3. F1, F2, B2POP1, B2POP2, B3POP1, B3POP2 (B2POP1 x POP1, B2POP2 x POP2)
        R E F P O P 1   R E F P O P 2
         |    |    \    /    |    |
         |    |     \  /     |    |
Gen1     |    |     F1HYB    |    |
         |    |    / | | \   |    |
         |    |   /  | |  \  |    |
Gen2     |  B2POP1  F2HYB  B2POP2 |
         |   /                \   |
         |  /                  \  |
Gen3    B3POP1                B3POP2

Other introgression classes can be simulated by editing the output and feeding it back into the program (e.g. inputing two 'populations' of F2 with an introgression level of 1 to get F3)


Nielsen, E. E., L. A. Bach and P. Kotlicki (2006). "HYBRIDLAB (version 1.0): a program for generating simulated hybrids from population samples." Molecular Ecology Notes. 6(4): 971-973