
A brief test to start up?

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Dear SICILIAN development team: @roozbehdn
Thank you for sharing this tool. I am trying to install the tool on our institution HPC cluster, we use LSF scheduler instead. I have been set up the software requirements (python and R packages and umi_tools). Now, I would like to have some helps to make a test:
Download data. I will the approach to down ready-to-user and annotator files. The data are hosted in I am not able to access. should I have to have a google account?
Is there minimal requested files that can be used as a start up test, probably in the github repository?

Thank you very much.

Dear ryao-mdanderson, I used gdown for downloading those files.
you can install gdown by pip install gdown
and then gdown<file_id>
For example, for Human on this repository you can use gdown

@katze99 Thank you. Your gdown command and example work for me.