Comp-371 | Project

Comp-371 Computer graphics project, where we demonstrate a prodedural generated world with custom perlin-noise height maps and various other assets like houses, trees, textures, etc.

Team Members

  • Shiraz Siwadjian - 40136555
  • Sevag Kaspar - 40100393
  • Hamza Shah - 40092722
  • Hadrien Ovize - 40025905
  • Samdarshi Tiwari - 40113256


Camera Movement:

W - Forward A - Left S - Backward D - Right SHIFT - Increase the camera speed


  • CMakeLists.txt : All cmake configurations
  • main.cpp: Main c++ file containing the code for the quiz
  • /include/: Include folder containing all the header files
  • /assets/Models/: Folder containing the obj files for the integrated models
  • /assets/shaders/: Folder containing the various fragment and vertex shaders used in the project
  • /assets/textures/: Folder containing the image files for the textures
  • /assets/Models/: Source code folder containing the cpp files

Build Instructions

Command Line

  1. Download and Install CMake
  2. Open a terminal
  3. Run cmake:
cd <source_folder>
cmake -S . -B <build_folder>
cmake --build <build_folder> --target install

To generate an Xcode project from the command line use:

cd <source_folder>
cmake -S . -B <build_folder> -G Xcode
cmake --build <build_folder> --target install

NOTE: In the case of cmake the <source_folder> is the topmost folder with a CMakeLists.txt file.

NOTE: The <build_folder> can be anything but is usually just named build.


You can use the CMake GUI to configure and generate the Visual Studio Project.

  1. Download and Install CMake
  2. Open the CMake GUI
  3. Set the Where is the source code: field to the source folder
  4. Set the Where to build the binaries: field to different location (e.g.: source_folder/build)
  5. Click Configure
  6. Select the project generator (this will be the project file that compiles program)
  7. Click Generate


Once the project is created you can build the ALL_BUILD project followed by building the INSTALL project.


Once the project is created you can build the ALL_BUILD target followed by the INSTALL target.

Unix Make File

In the terminal:

cd <build_folder>
make install


Once built and installed, all the relevant files will be in the dist folder at the top level of the source folder.


In the terminal type:



Click on the lab03.exe from the File Explorer.
