
Synthwave '84 colorscheme port for Neovim

Primary LanguageLuaMIT LicenseMIT


When I was using VSCode, I loved SynthWave '84 a lot. After moving to Neovim I tried some ports of it, but everything had something a little off to my eye, and I prefer not to use the glow. So this is just a yet another theme heavily inspired by robb0wens masterpiece.

My tmux-theme that plays the saxophone in unison: tmux-synthweave-theme

Peek at Go: synth

Some other ports of SynthWave '84:

This theme is nowhere near being complete, I work mostly on Python/Go/Bash/Lua, so other languages may look weird. Pop a PR if you would like to add treesitter/semantic highlights for language of your choice.

Highlight groups lean heavy on treesitter captures, so the visual experience may be total garbage without it.



Simplest possible way:

-- run :colorscheme synthweave or synthweave-transparent when feeling like it

If you would like to run this as your main colorscheme, follow lazy.nvim instructions:

    lazy = false, -- make sure we load this during startup if it is your main colorscheme
    priority = 1000,
    config = function()
        -- transparent version
        -- vim.cmd.colorscheme("synthweave-transparent")


If something stabs you in the eye, you can use setup with options and modify colors and groups.

    lazy = false, -- make sure we load this during startup if it is your main colorscheme
    priority = 1000,
    config = function()
        local synthweave = require("synthweave")
            transparent = false,
            overrides = {
                -- override any group
                Identifier = { fg = "#f22f52" },
            palette = {
                -- override palette colors, take a peek at synthweave/palette.lua
                bg0 = "#040404",