
Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT



This package implements open loop velocity control in ROS2. It contains a class to move the robot in square as a proof of concept.

Keywords: open loop velocity control, ros2, draw squares


The source code is released under a MIT license.

Author: Sami Alperen Akgun

ROS2 Drawing squares


Clone the repository under your ROS2 workspace.

cd your_ros2_ws/src
git clone https://github.com/samialperen/ros2_move_robot


You first need to build msgs package then the main package. Do not forget to use symlink for the main package.

cd your_ros2_ws
colcon build --packages-select ros2_draw_squares_custom_msgs
colcon build --symlink-install --packages-select ros2_draw_squares


Run the service server node with

ros2 launch ros2_draw_squares move_robot_in_squares_service_server.launch.py

Run the service client node with

ros2 launch ros2_draw_squares call_move_robot_in_squares_service_server.launch.py

Launch files

  • move_robot_in_squares_service_server.launch.py: Starts the service server which is responsible for making robot to draw squares by publishing to /cmd_vel

  • call_move_robot_in_squares_service_server.launch.py: Starts the service client which calls the service to make robot to draw squares



Makes robot to draw square using open loop velocity control

Published Topics



  • square_size (double, positive)

    Determines how big the square will be

  • square_number (int, min: 1)

    The number of times robot executes the square movement

Bugs & Feature Requests

Please report bugs and request features using the Issue Tracker.