
Release Prep v2.2.0

Closed this issue · 3 comments

To Do:

  • anndata warnings (#162)
  • LIGER 2.0 compatibility or warning messages (#161)
  • Spatial Plots (if time) (#160)
  • ggprism workaround if not fixed before CRAN removal (csdaw/ggprism#25)
  • Metrics Single Directory
  • Factor_Cor_Plot
  • Add_Hemo
  • Update Vignettes
  • Update pkgdown site

- [ ] Add Spatial Assay to as.anndata?
Not now. Have to figure out some image conversion metrics and not priority for time being.

Final LIGER related changes:

  • Idents()
  • Rename_Clusters()
  • Factor Cor Plot Clustering

Vignette Changes Needed:

  • seq_zeros
  • Chicken as species
  • Spatial Plots
  • cutoff line width
  • Add mito ribo dual
  • scripts for qc lists

LIGER Vignettes:

  • Subset liger
  • liger cells by identities
  • LIGER/Seurat Shared Generics
  • Rename Clusters for LIGER
  • Factor Cor Plots