R package with collection of functions created and/or curated to aid in the visualization and analysis of single-cell data using R.
- 4
- 10
scCustomize generating empty plots
#213 opened by rasing02 - 1
release/3.0.0 install issue
#214 opened by aherman-umn - 3
- 3
Iterate_FeaturePlot_scCustom error
#210 opened by mph270 - 7
QC_Plots_Mito for merged dual cellbender-cellranger seurat object does not match that for individual cellbender-cellranger seurat object
#208 opened by mph270 - 17
conversion to anndata
#188 opened by Flu09 - 1
Option to change dot size in Clustered_DotPlot()?
#211 opened by reyancoskun - 1
Bug fixes (Plot_Density_Custom and Plot_Density_Joint_Only drawing) ;Picture saving
#212 opened by Roner2022 - 1
- 5
as.anndata isseu
#179 opened by lindsdudley - 6 error in Clustered_DotPlot function
#172 opened by apal6 - 2
Solution around Warning: Renaming features in v3/v4 assays is not supported following `scCustomize::Updated_HGNC_Symbols`
#191 opened by denvercal1234GitHub - 3
as.anndata error with which(single_val_columns)) argument to 'which' is not logical
#206 opened by brainfo - 3
- 9
- 1
- 0
Release 3.0.0
#204 opened by samuel-marsh - 3
Release Prep v2.2.0
#167 opened by samuel-marsh - 3
DotPlot_scCustom: Show Cluster Idents on top
#181 opened by jakob-arnold - 2
Updated_HGNC_Symbols using mouse genes
#202 opened by siv2108 - 9
request pass parameters to ComplexHeatmap::Heatmap
#199 opened by johnminglu - 2
Add new parameter in DimPlot_scCustom to bury a group, or add a new parameter in Meta_Highlight_Plot() to allow the buried cells to appear in legend
#200 opened by CroixJeremy2 - 11
Error Merge
#187 opened by eblchen - 4
- 1
Clarification regarding `exp_value_type = "scaled"` in `scCustomize::Clustered_DotPlot`
#196 opened by denvercal1234GitHub - 1
Adjusting font size with theme() does not work with figure_plot = TRUE
#194 opened by wendelljpereira - 1
- 6
- 2
! Column name `barcodes` must not be duplicated.
#193 opened by Flu09 - 2
- 17
Help with getting as.anndata running
#168 opened by jjia1 - 2
Enable `Add_Cell_QC_Metrics()` to Support ENSEMBL IDs for "IEG" and "MSig_DB"
#186 opened by JuanTejedor - 2
Plots not printing
#185 opened by hcjarnagin - 9
Duplicate cell name error in Cell_Highlight_Plot, even though they are not duplicate
#177 opened by yojetsharma - 3
Set different color palettes to be used for different assays in FeaturePlot_DualAssay
#182 opened by raunakkar - 3
Add_Mito_Ribo multiple species
#184 opened by rhart604 - 5
MAD_stats mad_num variable doesn't change value
#183 opened by chloetu-dfci - 13
- 2
Adding chicken to list of supported species?
#176 opened by dpearton - 3
- 1
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- 2
Allow to get unified legend when using = "seurat_clusters" without having to use split_seurat = TRUE in DimPlot_scCustom()
#171 opened by CroixJeremy2 - 1
- 1
plot_median = TRUE does not work in VlnPlot_scCustom when features contains more than one gene
#169 opened by CroixJeremy2 - 2
as.anndata issue
#162 opened by williamsdrake - 4
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- 1
plot_density_joint_only error
#164 opened by yjjeong86