
A work-in-progress long-range, low-bandwidth wireless disaster recovery mesh network powered by the sun.

Primary LanguageC++

disaster.radio is a work-in-progress long-range, low-bandwidth wireless disaster recovery mesh network powered by the sun.

Table of contents

Getting Started

The quickest way to get started with disaster.radio is to buy a preinstalled device or

  • Download the latest release
  • Unzip the disaster-radio-0.X.X.zip file
  • Follow the included instructions for flashing it to your device

If you would rather test the latest, cutting-edge developments, you can compile the firmware yourself by cloning this repo and following the initial setup instructions.

Layout and Flow

The Disaster Radio firmware is made up of a single "server" and a number of "clients", as well as "middleware" that sits between the clients and server. These are a"server" and "client" in the logical, software sense, not a literal, networking sense.

Here are the modules currently implemented with descriptions of their purpose:

  • DisasterServer:

    • DisasterRadio: the main "server" that takes messages from clients and sends them to other clients
  • DisasterClient:

    • LoRaClient: interfaces with LoRaLayer2
    • WebSocketClient: WebSocket connections from the web app
    • StreamClient: for Arduino Stream, currently used for serial console
    • TCPClient: for a telnet-like server
    • HistoryRecord: records messages to SD card (or bounded queue in memory)
    • OLEDClient: displays messages on the screen (mostly for debugging purposes, but eventually I'd like to use this for a mobile Disaster Radio terminal of some kind)
    • GPSClient: proof-of-concept, interfaces with a serial GPS module to beacon your current location periodically
  • DisasterMiddleware:

    • WelcomeMessage: (very simple, in main.cpp) shows a welcome message to clients when they connect
    • HistoryReplay: shows history to clients when they connect
    • Console: implements a simple console with chat (similar to the web app) plus some /commands (I went with a more IRC-like syntax but you could easily implement a getopt version)
  • DisasterHistory:

    • HistorySD records history to SD card
    • HistoryMemory records history to a bounded queue in memory (default limit 10 messages)

Hardware Connections

For supported development boards see the Devices & Hardware wiki page.

NodeMCU/ESP8266 ESP32 LoRa Transceiver SD Card

DIO0 sends an interrupt from the LoRa chip upon Tx/Rx Ready on the radio. Chip selects can be used to explicitly switch between the LoRa tranceiver and the SD card; however, the SD card should be enabled by default, as the LoRa interrupt appears to handle enabling the tranceiver (note: this still needs to be thoroughly tested, what happens if you receive an interrupt while loading from the SD?).


The disaster.radio firmware opens up a websocket using the ESPAsyncWebServer library. Through this, client-side javascript can transmit and receive messages over the LoRa tranceiver. If you'd like to build an application for disaster.radio, you will need to write a websocket client that can send and receive messages in the proper format to the websocket server running on the ESP8266. Currently, the firmware expects websocket messages in the following format,

  • <msgID> is a two-byte binary unsigned integer representing an abitrary sequence number, this is sent back to the websocket client with an ! appended to act as an acknowledgment and could be used for error-checking,
  • <msgType> is a single binary utf8 encoded character representing the application for which the message is intended, such 'c' for chat, 'm' for maps, or 'e' for events
  • <msg> is a binary utf8 encoded string of characters limited to 236 bytes, this can be treated as the body of the message and may be used to handle client-side concerns, such as intended recipient or requested map tile.

An example messge may appear as follows, 0100c|<noffle>@juul did you feel that earthquake!

An example chat app can be found in the web directory.

Initial Setup with PlatformIO

pip install -U platformio

Edit platformio.ini to suit your needs. If you are flashing a ESP32 LILY TTGO board then you will probably not have to edit anything in platformio.ini but make sure upload_port is set to the correct device which may vary depending on your operating system and which other devices you have connected.

Building firmware

To test that the firmware is compiling correctly without flashing it to a device, run

pio run

This will compile all libraries and main firmware files. The resulting binary is stored as .pio/build/ttgo-lora32-v1/firmware.bin

Flashing firmware

For dev boards

Connect your computer to the board using a usb cable,

In platformio.ini make sure upload_port, upload_speed, etc are correct for your device.

Then run:

pio run -t upload -t uploadfs

By default, PlatformIO builds and flashes firmware for the LILY's ESP32 TTGO V2 dev board. If you would like to build for another supported board, select the corresponding build environment. For example to build and flash the firmware and file system for the ESP32 TTG0 V1 board, use the following,

pio run -e ttgo-lora32-v1 -t upload -t uploadfs

Initial Setup with makeEspArduino

If you would prefer to use a makefile to build and flash the firmware, follow these instructions,

./fetch_deps.sh esp8266 # download dependencies if using WeMos D1 with disaster radio hat
cp settings.mk.example settings.mk # create initial personal settings file
sudo pip install esptool


./fetch_deps.sh esp32 # if using ESP32 TTGO board
cp settings.mk.example settings.mk # create initial personal settings file
sudo pip install esptool 

If you would only like to update the libraries, instead reinstalling the entire arduino-esp toolchain, you can run,

./fetch_deps.sh esp32 libs

Edit settings.mk to suit your needs. If you are flashing a ESP32 LILY TTGO V2 board then you will probably not have to edit anything in settings.mk but make sure UPLOAD_PORT is set to the correct device which may vary depending on your operating system and which other devices you have connected. If you are flashing a different dev board, choose the BOARD and BUILD_EXTRA_FLAGS definitions that match your board.

Building firmware

To test that the firmware is compiling correctly without flashing it to a device, run


This will compile all libraries and main firmware files. The resulting binary is stored as /tmp/mkESP/main_ttgo-lora32-v1/main.bin

Flashing firmware

For dev boards

Connect your computer to the board using a usb cable,

In settings.mk make sure to uncomment the lines for your device and comment the lines for the devices not being used.

Then run:

make flash

For the full solar + li-ion board

This section is depreacted until a new version of the full board is completed.

This board does not have usb so flashing is slightly more complicated. The pin header immediately to the left of the ESP-07 board has two labels:

  • UART at the top
  • PGM on the bottom

UART means normal operation and PGM means programming/flashing mode. To switch between these modes, connect a jumper between the middle pin and either the top or bottom pin. If the jumper is in the bottom position then you are in flashing mode.

You will need a USB to serial 3.3v adapter. DO NOT USE A 5v SERIAL CABLE!

Connect the wires like so between the USB-to-serial adapter and the disaster.radio board:

USB-to-serial |  disaster.radio
         GND <-> GND
          TX <-> RX
          RX <-> TX
         VCC <-> 3V3

It is possible that the power supplied by the 3.3 V output of your serial adapter is not enough to power the disaster.radio board. If this is the case you will have to supply 3.3 V some other way. The simplest is to use a 3.3 V voltage regulator such as the LD1117V33 connected to the 5 V output from the USB port of your computer. The voltage regulator will have three pins:

  • GND
  • Vout
  • Vin

On the USB-to-serial adapter you should be able to find a pin or connection point that has the 5 V output from your computer. Connect this to Vout on the voltage regulator, then connect GND to GND (you can use the outer part of the USB plug if nothing else is available) and Vout will be the output that you connect to the 3V3 pin on the disaster.radio board. It's a good idea to put a ~100 uF capacitor between GND and Vout.

In platformio.ini make sure to comment the lines for the WeMos D1 Mini and uncomment the lines for the solar module. You'll have to do the same for the lines in firmware/firmware.ino defining csPin, resetPin, and irqPin.

Now you can use pio run -t upload and pio run -t uploadfs normally, however note that you will have to manually reset the board after each flashing operation.

After running pio run -t uploadfs you may get an error that looks like this:

A fatal error occurred: Timed out waiting for packet header

If you run into a problem where the pio run -t uploadfs seems to complete but the files aren't readable by the firmware, try this:

pio run -t erase -t uploadfs -t upload

Remember to power the board off and moving the jumper back to the top position once you're done flashing. The simplest way to power off the board is to unplug the usb cable from your computer. If this gets annoying you can connect/solder a switch to flip between the two modes and another switch to toggle the power.

Building Web App

The web/ dir includes a simulator server that presents the same API as the ESP8266 to the client. This makes development of the web app possible without having the Disaster Radio hardware hooked up.

See web/README.md

Building and uploading SPIFFS image

To build:

pio run -t buildfs


make fs

To build and upload:

pio run -t uploads


make flash_fs

If building doesn't work then try this first:

touch web/static/*

If using an SD card model, copy the contents of web/static/ to the root of a fat32 formatted SD card.

Testing Firmware

Once the firmware and SPIFFS image has been successfully flashed, you can test it by logging into the disaster.radio <mac-address> wireless network and navigating to in a browser to access the demo chat app.

Note: v0.2.0 and later have switched to IRC-like commands, so try typing /join <nickname> into your Serial console.

On v0.1.1 and earlier, you can also perform some tests by logging into the disaster.radio's console interface. If flashed correctly, you should be able to log into the device using a serial tool, such as screen or minicom or pio device monitor with a baud rate of 115200. You will be greeted by a banner that looks like this,

     ___              __                            ___    
 ___/ (_)__ ___ ____ / /____ ____      _______ ____/ (_)__ 
/ _  / (_-</ _ `(_-</ __/ -_) __/ _   / __/ _ `/ _  / / _ \
\_,_/_/___/\_,_/___/\__/\__/_/   (_) /_/  \_,_/\_,_/_/\___/
LoRa tranceiver connected
Local address of your node is d8a01d69bd4c

You can then run commands to confirm the device is operating correctly. To print the node's local address, use lr -a.

/# lr -a
1: lora1:
    address: d8a01d69bd4c

To print the current routing table of the node, use lr -r.

/# lr -r

Routing Table: total routes 1
1 hops from d8a01d69d448 via d8a01d69d448 metric 204 

To transmit a message over the lora transceiver, use tx.

/# tx -m heythere -d d8a01d69d448 -t c
TXing: heythere to d8a01d69d448 as type 'c'

See firmware/README.md for more debugging information.

Adding Libraries

If you're including new libraries in the firmware, for PlatformIO, you wil need to add them to platformio.ini under lib_deps.

If you're including new libraries in the firmware, for makeEspArduino, you wil need to add them to LIBS = in the correct config.mk file.

Make sure to also include the approprate commands for fetching the new libraries in fetch_deps.sh.

Creating Binary for Release

A full binary image can be created by reading the flash contents of a ESP32 that is flashed with the latest release of the firmware. To do this, run the following command,

esptool.py -p /dev/ttyUSB0 -b 921600 read_flash 0 0x400000 esp_flash.bin

This can then be flashed to a new device like so,

esptool.py -p /dev/ttyUSB0 --baud 460800 write_flash 0x00000 esp_flash.bin


  • firmware/: Dual licensed under both GPLv3 and AGPLv3
  • web/: AGPLv3