
A set of tools for developing new methods and techniques in physics informed neural networks written in jax.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

book Build Status Coverage PyPI version

Pancax ("PANCAKES")

Physics augmented neural computations in jax

Table of Contents

  1. Installation
  2. Usage
  3. Citation


CPU installation instructions

To install pancax using pip (recommended) for CPU usage you can type the following command

pip install pancax[cpu]

GPU installation instructions

Currently only CUDA has been tested, so only a CUDA option is supplied.

CUDA installation instructions

To install pancax using pip (recommended) for CPU usage you can type the following command

pip install pancax[cuda]

Developer installation instructions

If you would like to do development in pancax, please first clone the repo and in the pancax folder, run the following command

pip install -e .[cuda,docs,test]


Currently the main entry point to pancax is through a python script (although a yaml input file is also in the works). To run a script you can run the following command

python -m pancax -i my_script.py

where my_script.py is the name of the scipt you've written. This will run the python script while also respecting several environment variables which can be supplied after the pancax keyword above. A list of these can be displayed with the help message

python -m pancax -h

If you leverage these tools for your own research, please cite the following article


  title={Calibrating constitutive models with full-field data via physics informed neural networks},
  author={Hamel, Craig M and Long, Kevin N and Kramer, Sharlotte LB},
  publisher={Wiley Online Library}

SCR #3050.0