- 4
Unnecessary implicit conversion while using experimental catseffect `AsyncValue`
#1041 opened by roman0x58 - 4
The custom scalars do not parse underlying model
#991 opened by filosganga - 1
Add pekko support
#1154 opened by CirilSantos - 5
- 5
Long type user input coercion missing implicit conversion from java.math.BigDecimal
#995 opened by majjhima - 1
It is impossible to override an built-in scalar
#1000 opened by filosganga - 2
Support OneOf on Input Objects
#1068 opened by Tehnix - 2
Support for @cacheControl
#1124 opened by zvuki - 1
- 1
support @deprecated on argument and input field
#982 opened by yanns - 0
Looking for help / maintainers
#1084 opened by yanns - 1
Website is down
#1078 opened by eugkhp - 0
Change context object
#1060 opened by mykytamykhailenko - 9
Decoding failure
#1018 opened by keshav-dataco - 5
`ListInputType[T]` extending `InputType[Seq[T]]`
#979 opened by keuhdall - 2
Query/Schema validation for default values on object type field arguments not captured (ValueOfCorrectType rule)
#965 opened by maloku - 8
Using `Option` in fields fails in the `None` case
#967 opened by anderslm - 4
Is there a doc how to use union type in sangria?
#695 opened by eugkhp - 1
Return authorization error code.
#710 opened by jorkey - 4
- 5
- 1
- 5
Error behavior when `name` argument to ObjectType constructor contains a space
#938 opened by vreuter - 2
- 1
[scala3] sangria-relay
#920 opened by yanns - 9
Scala 3 Derive Macro Compiler Error
#905 opened by PsyfireX - 0
Build a Sangria Steward
#882 opened by sh0hei - 1
Is it possible to create the graphql schema as a json file during compile time?
#865 opened by emileriksson - 3
Partial Response Along with Errors
#798 opened by abhigp27 - 1
- 1
- 0
split the macros into their own module
#827 opened by performantdata - 0
remove `ast` package from `sangria-core`
#789 opened by performantdata - 1
Conditional scheme fields / api versioning
#834 opened by fedotxxl - 1
port `ast` and `parser` libraries to Scala 3
#831 opened by performantdata - 11
remove `Schema.analyzer()`
#809 opened by performantdata - 3
remove the ``⁎ methods
#813 opened by performantdata - 2
- 2
v3.0.0-RC7 breaks Sangria slowlog
#812 opened by yanns - 1
compilation errors with `3.0.0-RC6` with `gql`
#795 opened by yanns - 7
remove `DeliveryScheme`
#783 opened by performantdata - 1
Removing the path and location values from Exception
#785 opened by abhigp27 - 1
sangria-slowlog not compatible with Sangria v3.0.0-RC2
#773 opened by yanns - 0
ExecutionPath.add allocates a lot of Vectors
#768 opened by agourlay - 0
make `sangria.validation.rules.experimental.OverlappingFieldsCanBeMerged` default
#755 opened by yanns - 0
How to provide nested list of case class as an argument to the GQL query
#714 opened by rkhandelwal-rms - 0
- 0
[scala3] sangria-json4s-jackson
#685 opened by sh0hei - 0
[scala3] sangria-json4s-native
#688 opened by sh0hei - 1
[scala3] sangria-play-json
#680 opened by sh0hei