
Circle ci orb to run https://github.com/sanjP10/release

MIT LicenseMIT

Release Orb

CircleCI Build Status CircleCI Orb Version GitHub License

This is an action that enables the use of the tool release in a CircleCI pipeline. This exposes the use of the tool with a CircleCi interface.


Example use as well as a list of available executors, commands, and jobs are available on this orb's registry page.

Publishing Orb

Follow the official publishing orb documents

Dev setup

To set up a dev orb to test with run the following.

circleci orb pack ./src | circleci orb publish - sanjp10/release@dev:alpha

Updating Orb

Publish a semver version of the orb. relies on the commit subject containing the text [semver:patch|minor|major|skip] as that will determine whether a patch, minor or major version will be published or if publishing should be skipped.


CircleCI Orb Registry Page - The official registry page of this orb for all versions, executors, commands, and jobs described.