
Policy Gradients, DDPG, and TD3 in gym env

Primary LanguagePython

2 Link Arm

Policy Gradients, DDPG, and TD3 in 2 DOF arm gym env

An episode of the 2 link arm environment.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.

Gym Env

Download the folder modified-gym-env from pybullet-gym-env

Built With

  • Python 3.6.10

  • PyTorch >= 1.7.0

  • gym 0.17.3

  • numpy >= 1.16.2

  • matplotlib >= 3.1.1

Code Organization

├── src                         # Python scripts
│   ├── policy_gradients.py     # Policy Gradients algorithm
│   ├── DDPG.py                 # Deep Deterministic Policy Gradients algorithm
│   └── TD3.py                  # Twin Delayed DDPG algorithm
├── demo.gif                    # Results
└── README.md

How to Run

There are 3 methods you can try, namely policy gradients, ddpg, and td3, with corresponding file name.

ex. if you want to try policy gradients, just do

python policy_gradients.py
