Red Hat Mobile Application Platform & JBoss BPMSuite Integration Client App Demo

This is the Red Hat Mobile Application Platform (MAP) - JBoss BPMSuite (BPMS) integration demo that provides examples of a form-based client application (Cordova Light Forms App).

Import the project into RH MAP

  • Prerequisites:
    • Obtain a login and domain from the Red Hat Mobile team if you don't already have them.
    • You have already created a Bare Project and imported the Cloud App
  1. Login to the appropriate RH MAP domain.

  2. Create a Client App ('+' to the top-right corner of Apps) -> Import Existing App -> Cordova Light -> Next -> Enter App Name -> select Public Git Repository

  3. Enter Git URL as -> Import and move onto integration

  4. Download the form from github gist -

  5. Import the form file by using the RHMAP command line interface: fhc appforms forms create --formfile=RHSummit2015AutoClaimFormsApp.json

  6. The original theme used in the demo is available as a github gist as well if you want to use it -

  7. Import the themes file by using the RHMAP command line interface: fhc appforms themes create --themefile=MaggiesSummit2015Theme.json

  8. Associate the form and theme with your project by going to Projects -> select your project -> Client App -> Forms -> select the imported theme & form -> Save. alt text

  9. Rebuild the Client App (left panel of the client app). alt text


This project is a bare git repo for the client app that can be imported into RH MAP. The form and theme would need to be imported manually using fhc.

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