Pinned Repositories
A simple arithmetic calculator programmed using Verilog HDL, implemented on a Basys3 board, for the CSCE2301 (Digital Design I) course, in Spring 2022.
A deep learning model to segment buildings from aerial images. Utilizes CNNs through the U-Net architecture, with added attention. Includes data preprocessing and training notebooks. Implemented for the CSCE 4604 (Practical Machine Deep Learning) course project, in Fall 2023.
Created as a personal project in the summer of 2023, to refresh old and exercise new frontend skills, (with only html, javascript, and css).
A C++ application of Cramer's Rule from Linear Algebra, along with the proof and all its dependencies, created for the MACT2132 (Linear Algebra) course, in Spring 2022.
A simple program in C++ to calculate the simplest form of a binary expression through Karnaugh Maps (K-Maps), created for the CSCE2301 (Digital Design I) course, in Spring 2022.
A literature explorer created as a visual aid for research in academic papers. Implemented for the CSCE 3701 (Software Engineering) course, in Spring 2022.
A Linux-based systems' task manager, with a command-line interface. Implemented as the CLI portion for the CSCE 3401 (Operating Systems) course project, in Spring 2023. GUI portion here:
A Linux-based systems' task manager, with a graphical-user interface. Implemented as the GUI portion for the CSCE 3401 (Operating Systems) course project, in Spring 2023. CLI portion here:
A verilog implementation of a pipelined processor for the RISC-V architecture, with support for all 40 instructions of the RV32I instruction set; as well as an additional 8 for the RV32M instruction set. Supports implementation on a Nexys A7 board. Implemented as the CSCE 3301 (Computer Architecture) course's first project, in Spring 2023.
saraa-mohamedd's Repositories
A simple arithmetic calculator programmed using Verilog HDL, implemented on a Basys3 board, for the CSCE2301 (Digital Design I) course, in Spring 2022.
Created as a personal project in the summer of 2023, to refresh old and exercise new frontend skills, (with only html, javascript, and css).
A simple program in C++ to calculate the simplest form of a binary expression through Karnaugh Maps (K-Maps), created for the CSCE2301 (Digital Design I) course, in Spring 2022.
A verilog implementation of a pipelined processor for the RISC-V architecture, with support for all 40 instructions of the RV32I instruction set; as well as an additional 8 for the RV32M instruction set. Supports implementation on a Nexys A7 board. Implemented as the CSCE 3301 (Computer Architecture) course's first project, in Spring 2023.
A deep learning model to segment buildings from aerial images. Utilizes CNNs through the U-Net architecture, with added attention. Includes data preprocessing and training notebooks. Implemented for the CSCE 4604 (Practical Machine Deep Learning) course project, in Fall 2023.
A C++ application of Cramer's Rule from Linear Algebra, along with the proof and all its dependencies, created for the MACT2132 (Linear Algebra) course, in Spring 2022.
A literature explorer created as a visual aid for research in academic papers. Implemented for the CSCE 3701 (Software Engineering) course, in Spring 2022.
A Linux-based systems' task manager, with a command-line interface. Implemented as the CLI portion for the CSCE 3401 (Operating Systems) course project, in Spring 2023. GUI portion here:
A Linux-based systems' task manager, with a graphical-user interface. Implemented as the GUI portion for the CSCE 3401 (Operating Systems) course project, in Spring 2023. CLI portion here:
A simple search engine program created using C++, using the PageRank algorithm (simplified), for the CSCE2203 (Analysis & Design of Algorithms Lab) course, in Fall 2021.
RISC-V RV32I Assembly Simulator is a C++ program that allows one to test and simulate assembly programs by showing the contents of registers along with the memory after each instruction execution. This program was written as a project for the Computer Organization and Assembly Language Programming course (CSCE2303).
Personal Repository!~
A text file compression program in C++, using the Huffman Coding algorithm, for the CSCE2202 (Analysis & Design of Algorithms) course, in Fall 2021.
A maze game modeled after the Tom & Jerry franchise, with features such as numbers of lives, invincibility mode, etc; created using Qt. Created to apply Dijkstra's shortest path algorithm on the movement of Tom throughout the map. Created for the CSCE 1101 (Fundamentals of Computing I) course, in Spring 2021.
A C++ simulation of the dynamic Tomasulo instruction scheduling algorithm (without speculation) on the RiSC-16 architecture. Implemented as the CSCE 3301 (Computer Architecture) course's second project, in Spring 2023.