
A Linux-based systems' task manager, with a command-line interface. Implemented as the CLI portion for the CSCE 3401 (Operating Systems) course project, in Spring 2023. GUI portion here: https://github.com/saraa-mohamedd/lpm-GUI

Primary LanguageRust

The Linux Process Manager (or lpm)

is a rust-based command-line interface task manager implemented for linux based systems. It displays the process table with attributes, overview of the system, sorting and filtering, updating, as well as options to kill, continue, terminate, and sleep processes. Implemented with the cursive crates for a "frontend", and the sysinfo and procfs crates for a "backend", this program offers a gui flavor to a command line task manager which offers all high-end features in a simplistic, easy to navigate manner. Click here for the GUI portion of this project.

To Run

cd into the project directory
run cargo install to download dependencies
run cargo build to build the program
run cargo install --path to download the binary executable file

From any terminal on your Linux based system

run lpm -h to view all running commands and options