
MasterThesis code

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Personalized Human Robot Interaction

Link to Paper

The goal of the research was to build a Personlized Human Robot Interaction system. We used time-series data from Kinect to build an Auto-encoder for Human Activity Recognition.

We also built a Face-Recognition system using pre-trained models for a personal interaction with the user. We made use of One-Shot Detection and kNN trained model for training the model's final layer on my own dataset.

We built a Chatbot using Dialogflow for having a more natural interaction with the user. It made use of Hybrid Learning so that each response did not have to be hard-coded and it could learn from previous conversations.


To Launch the Whole Setup

Simply run the projectStartup.sh script.

NOTE It is a guake terminal script hence one needs to have guake terminal installed to run the script.

  • To install guake, simply run: "sudo apt-get install guake" in your terminal.

Connect Pepper to Ethernet

  • Connect Pepper to a known wifi network through its display screen.
  • Click on "i" icon on Pepper's tablet to display the MAC Address.
  • Note down the MAC Address for Ethernet cable. (Ethernet cable should be connected.)
  • Install arp-scan with: sudo apt-get install arp-scan
  • Make sure your PC is connected to the same ethernet network as Pepper.
  • Run the command 'ipconfig' on your terminal.
  • Get the name of your interface for ethernet. Eg: eth0, enp3s0, etc..
  • Run the command: sudo arp-scan --interface=enp3s0 --localnet | grep where enp3s0 is the interface name.
  • You got your IP address which can be used for connecting to Pepper as usual.

Pepper Init

This script contains all the basic proxies required to run Pepper. One can use it to put Pepper in Rest mode or Wake Up Mode.

Start Python2.7 in one terminal and import the script using: from peppperInit import *

  • To Stop All Behaviours:
  • To Put Pepper in Rest Mode:
  • To Wake Up Pepper:

Using IP Webcamera with Face Recognition

  • Connect the IP Webcamera to ethernet cable of your network.
  • Install an app like "MIPC" on your android device.
  • Make sure your android device is on the same network as the IP camera.
  • Connect the camera and the android device.(The steps should be explained in the app.)
  • Go in the network section of the app and find the IP address of the webcam.
  • Type in this IP address in your browser and type in the password. (Password should be written on the bulletin board of lab.)

Following steps can be done on android device but it's easier on the PC:

  • Once login is successfull in the browser, it asks to connect with the wifi.
  • Connect the device to the desired wifi, preferably a private wifi with not many users, such as your own hotspot device. (Caution: It does not connect to lab wifi due to many users using it.)
  • Once this connection is done, make sure your PC and wifi device are on the same wifi network. (Connect PC to wifi with an external wifi device.)
  • Go to the home section in the browser -> right click on the feed -> Copy image address -> Paste in the url section of the script: webcam.py

NOTE: If you have connectivity issues, make sure your router is using 2.4 GHz as the IP-Webcam works with only 2.4 GHz.

Speech Recognizer

To Change Microphone

import speech_recognition as sr
for index, name in enumerate(sr.Microphone.list_microphone_names()):
    print("Microphone with name \"{1}\" found for `Microphone(device_index={0})`".format(index, name))
  • You get some output along with device_indices.
  • To use a specific microphone, change Microphone to Microphone(device_index=)