
A small repo that eases use of google's deepvariant with GWA metastudies about hypertension

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT



Submission Info

For submission info, please see submission.md

The following steps provide step by step instructions for how to run google's deepvariant project with hypertension journal information. Project proposed by Office Ally, and is a submission for LA Hacks 2020.

Notes and Disclaimers:

This project has only been tested with Ubuntu 18.X. It should work as-is with most linux distros, and can certainly be ported to Windows and Mac. However, instructions are written with linux in mind.

Step 1: Clone this repo:

git clone https://github.com/saresend/deepvariant-challenge

Step 2.1: Install docker

If you are running on a fresh image, you may need to install docker. If so, please run the following:

sudo apt -y update
sudo apt-get -y install docker.io

Step 2.2: Download Sample data (Optional)

The following command will load a truncated dataset provided by google for demonstration purposes. If running on an individual dataset please substitute with that.

cd deepvariant-challenge

Note: You may need to give this execute privilege by running chmod +x load_test_data.sh. If you get issues that say something about permission denied, this is probably the issue.

Step 3: Run Docker Build

This command will build the image and run the analysis on the data provided in the previous steps

cd ..
docker build deepvariant-challenge --tag lahacks:0.1

Step 4: Instantiate docker image

The following command instantiates our image, allowing us to collect the data that is the result of the analysis

cd deepvariant-challenge
docker run -dit lahacks:0.1

Step 5: Copy output to local machine

Step 5.1: Get Container Identifier

Run the following command:

docker ps

This provides a list of all currently running containers. Look for one tagged lahacks:0.1, and find the entry under name. Common ones are things like mythical_tree, etc.

Step 5.2: Copy files from Container

docker cp <container_name>:/output .

This command will take the output analysis and VCF files and copy it locally. If all is well, you should be able to open a output.visual_report.html file in the output/ directory, and see something like the following:


Step 6: Run Similarity analysis:

Step 6.1: Jupyter Notebook installation

For installation instructions for jupyter notebooks, please refer to: https://jupyter.org/install

Step 6.2: Run The notebook

The following command analyzes the resulting VCF file, and compares it with the data in the journal loaded from hypertension_markers.csv.

The following command requires you to have jupyter notebook installed:

jupyter notebook vcf_compare.ipynb

Note: This notebook uses python3

The notebook provides some preliminary analysis and allows for flexibility to play around with the resulting data and conduct additional analyses.

Full genomic Sequencing

In addition to this small test dataset, we also have the full dataset available. The modifications to run with this dataset are first, instead of running ./load_test_data.sh, please run ./load_full_genome.sh, which will pull the entire dataset.

Warning: it is about 110 GB in size.

You can then run the following command to build the actual docker container:

sudo docker build deepvariant-challenge/ --build-arg ref_file=testdata/hs37d5.fa.gz --build-arg bam_file=testdata/HG002_NIST_150bp_50x.bam --tag lahacks:0.1

Otherwise, the commands remain the same and you should be able to produce VCF files for the full genomic sequence, rather than just the test dataset.

Benchmarks for the project

During development for this project, the following instances were used:

Instance CPUs Memory Success
n1-highmem-32 (GCP) 32 208 GB No
standard - 40 (Digital Ocean) 4 160 GB No
standard - 80 (Digital Ocean) 6 320 GB No

Below is a speed reference for a full genome sequenced by deepvariant, as a sense of how long one might expect this to take for a given instance. It seems that it scales fairly linearly, meaning that we might expect a 32 CPU machine to run in about double the time of a 64 CPU machine.

Step Hardware Wall time
make_examples 64 CPUs ~ 1h 46m
call_variants 64 CPUs ~ 3h 09m
postprocess_variants (with gVCF) 1 CPU ~ 53m